We are all about Jesus. Everything we do revolves around who He is and who he calls us to be. Jesus loves Tahoe and all of his people who inhabit it and so do we. Our intention is to help people live their lives in the fullness of God's love. In order to do that, we believe it is vital for people to recognize their deep need for Jesus. Life is better when we choose to live in a way that is consistent with the Way of Jesus, so we teach His word and challenge each other to follow him. 


We recognize that we live in a complex world. With a posture and practice of intellectual and spirit-driven curiosity, we study and seek to live-out Biblically contextual practices in the Tahoe region. We seek God's wisdom in prayer, individually and communally, about every decision as we navigate and discern complex, demanding, and important decisions in our day-to-day lives. 


As followers of Jesus we show all people grace, like the Good Samaritan. Grace does not merely emanate from God, it's fundamental to who we are as the people of God on mission with Him. Just as Jesus did with, through, and to us, we seek to find the best in, for, and with others and offer grace as a posture and practice of a loving, justice-seeking, caring, and Christ-oriented community, thus carrying the peace of Jesus in all that we say, do, and seek to become.


Following Jesus is a communal posture and practice. We recognize that building God’s church is central to the mission of God. We seek, therefore, to cultivate community and be formed by his Spirit by choosing to partner with God in building his church, participating in Community Groups, serving the greater Tahoe community, become justice-seeking people, and practice hospitality in all areas of life. 


We seek to adopt a posture and practice of generosity. As a church community, following the Way of Jesus, we believe that sharing our resources, opening our campus, stewarding our buildings, and volunteering our time, embodies a spirit of joy, giving, care, love, justice, and stewardship that is central to what it means to live out the Gospel of Jesus. 


We believe in the posture and practice of Biblical Hospitality. All people, from all walks of life are welcome at Tahoe Church. We believe that reconciliation is the mission of God and so, we are convinced that Tahoe will become a better version of itself via a posture and practice of Biblical Hospitality that can be found in our relationships, our homes, our campus, and our city.


Tahoe Church celebrates the outdoors, the beauty of our local landscape, God’s creation. We seek to steward our Campus, local region, and natural resources and so celebrate the wonder of God’s Creation and invite all people into the story of God's Creation so we can experience the wonder of God in our unique place and space. 


As followers of Jesus we're all on a journey of becoming and belonging. With a posture and practice of creative curiosity, we seek to go places where God's Spirit can form and grow us to our fullest potential, in Him. We seek to move in faith towards God and draw closer to him in community with our hearts, our bodies, our resources, and our imagination. God has given us all a creative mandate to walk in-step with him and towards him as we navigate who God is asking us to become in an unjust and complex world.


We believe that God is in control. In moments of joy or despair we lean-in to the knowledge and reality that God has us where he wants us. Our foundation is a pioneer spirit in which we are not afraid to take risks, because He cares for us and wants to do life with us. Here, There, and Way Out There: We are a brave, active, and incarnational impulse with Him; our Family; our Church; and our City; and our Region. 


Check out our calendar to learn about everything we do at Tahoe Church! We have been blessed with much and see it as a responsibility to steward well. We want to use all 52 acres of our property, all 52 weeks of the year. There are a lot of awsome things that happen at our church, but we still have a long way to go. Help us creatively find ways to build God's Kingdom in a way that aligns with our Foundations.